Business Challenge

Fortune 100 Global Manufacturing Company, saddled with rampant operational inefficiencies and mounting costs, could not find the path to predictable earnings growth within a strategic business unit. They were stuck and needed a new way to look at the problem in order to identify new solutions.


The Eye-Openers

The primary diagnosis cut across 4 key themes that were big eye-openers:

Their organization lacked a defined culture and they were feeling the pain of a mix of leadership and management styles: command and control, traditional and performance-oriented. In addition, the executive team lacked alignment.
Strong influences among different employee groups were causing periodic slowdowns in production, resulting in missed delivery dates and other deadlines.
Company manufacturing was siloed by function, which created long cycle times with associated incremental costs.
Processes and organizational inefficiencies were a drag on earnings.
The Outcomes
The Results are Clear

With the new solutions they were able to implement via the LEADERSCAPE® platform, the company realized:

  • $300 Million of annual cost savings via continued use of the LEADERSCAPE® platform
  • Dramatic improvement of business process, human and cultural issues and organizational dynamics
  • Seismic organizational shift to a performance-based culture
  • Strategic leadership alignment for the first-time ever around the activities that drive extreme value and risk